Important Events of May – 02


Important Events of May – 02


  • National Truffle Day is observed annually on May 2nd.  On this day, the deliciously sweet chocolate truffle gets the spotlight.
  • This chocolate confectionery is traditionally made with a chocolate ganache center coated in chocolate, icing, cocoa powder, chopped nuts or coconut.
  • The truffle may be filled with other fillings such as cream, melted chocolate, caramel, nuts, fruit, nougat, fudge, toffee, mint, marshmallow or liqueur.
  • N. Petruccelli of Chambery, France is believed to be the inventor of the chocolate truffle in December 1895.  Truffles became much more popular in 1902 when Prestat Chocolate Shop opened in London.  Prestat still sells “Napoleon III” truffles made to the original recipe.

Satyajit Ray’s birthday


  • He was Born on May 2, 1921.


  • He is an Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, graphic artist, music composer and author, widely regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century.
  • A world famous movie genius.
  • He has made a total of 36 films, including film, documentary, short film.


  • He was awarded an honorary degree by Oxford University.
  • Ray’s first film, Pather Panchali (1955), won eleven international prizes.
  • 32 Indian National Film Awards, a Golden Lion, a Golden Bear, 2 Silver Bears, a number of additional awards at international film festivals and award ceremonies, and an Academy Honorary Award in 1992.
  • The Government of India honored him with the Bharat Ratna, its highest civilian award, in 1992.
  • He was awarded the Special Oscar Award for his film career in 1992. This was the first Indian to be awarded.


  • He Died on April 23, 1992 (age 70).

Important events

  • On May 2, 1519, Leonardo da Vinci, who painted the world-famous Monolisa sketch, disappeared.
  • On May 2, 1952, the world’s first jet aircraft, Haviland Coomed 1, flew between London and Johannesburg.

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