Work From Home: IT Companies Call Employees To Work From Office!!!

Work From Home IT Companies Call Employees To Work From Office!!!
Work From Home IT Companies Call Employees To Work From Office!!!

Work From Home: IT Companies Call Employees To Work From Office: As the threat of a pandemic is decreasing, many IT companies are trying to return to the norm of working from home. The employees don’t appear to like it as much anymore, though. According to a recent survey, the majority of employees at the nation’s top IT services firms are searching for jobs that offer greater flexibility despite the fact that employers have begun requesting that workers come back to the office.

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A poll by CIEL HR Services found that 88% of workers in leading IT companies are willing to leave their current positions. Nearly 46% of them are seeking work-from-home (WFH) options. Due to their necessities for their households, working mothers and carers are primarily opting for this choice. Additionally, 46% of employees are open to leaving for positions with higher income.

Aditya Misra, CEO of CIEL, told ET that “return to offices curtails their independence and impairs their lifestyle.” Many analysts believe that the recent slowdown in the labour market makes it unlikely that the threat of quitting the job in exchange for being called back to the office will be effective in the current situation. Staffing companies Adecco and Xpheno officials said they anticipate most employees toeing the line when called back to the workplace.

In a remote working environment, IT organisations face a variety of difficulties, according to experts. Moonlighting is a significant issue for IT companies. The majority of IT companies, including HCL, TCS, and others, encourage staff members to attend work at least three days per week. Numerous IT workers who had moved away from the workplace during the epidemic to their hometowns or other locations are finding it particularly difficult to return to work, according to specialists.