Promotion for Employees!!! New Announcement by Google!!!!

Promotion For The Employees!!! New Announcement By The Tech Giant
Promotion For The Employees!!! New Announcement By The Tech Giant

Promotion for Employees!!! New Announcement by Google: After so many rounds of layoffs, finally, a tech giant has announced small good news for its employees.  The employees of that company are expecting their promotions for this year.  However, only small numbers of employees are about to get promoted to the next level.

The widely used platform Google made a new declaration for its employees regarding promotion. Even though it is good news employees at Google are not so much happy about it.  It is because Google announced that only a few workers will get promoted to L6.  L6 is an expansion for level 6. It provides one of the highest-level positions in the company.  Only ten years of experienced workers and more than ten years of experienced workers will promote to this level 6 in Google.

This promotion is also ‘manager-led’ which means only managers of the company can nominate staff for the promotion.  Google has recently introduced a new way of assessing its employees which is the ‘Google Review and Development system.  Because of this GRAD method, this year only a tiny amount of employees are about to get promoted to the senior level.

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