Have You Applied For a Higher Pension Scheme?? The deadline Is Nearing!!!

Have You Applied For a Higher Pension Scheme
Have You Applied For a Higher Pension Scheme

Have You Applied For a Higher Pension Scheme: The Supreme Court of India ordered Employee’s Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) to issue a higher pension for certain employees. EPFO invites employees and employers to register for a higher pension scheme; the last date to register is 03.05.2023. Employees who are not still applied are instructed to register soon.

This does not applies to all employees, workers who were a part of EPF on or before September 2014 are eligible to apply for this scheme. The department will verify the application along with certain criteria to make them a beneficiary.

Employees who what to apply for this scheme can register through the official portal. Employees are instructed to register as per the prescribed format by including all required documents or else the application will be denied. The details are mentioned in the following website https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/.

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