Govt. Likely To Create 1.5 Lakh Jobs In Next 5 Years In EV Sector!!!

Govt. Likely To Create 1.5 Lakh Jobs In Next 5 Years In EV Sector
Govt. Likely To Create 1.5 Lakh Jobs In Next 5 Years In EV Sector

Govt. Likely To Create 1.5 Lakh Jobs In Next 5 Years In EV Sector: The Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturing sector has taken a huge peak in recent times, and many of them are also showing deep interest to buy EVs. In Tamil Nadu, the government has made an initiative to invest Rs. 49,000 crores in EV sectors and that would expect to create over 1.5 lakh jobs across the state.

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This was announced by Industrial Minister Mr. T.R.P. Raja in a recent meeting with industrial officials. He also states that TN has bagged first place in EV manufacturing for the past two years and already the state has invested Rs. 24,000 crore in the EV sector that has created nearly 48,000 jobs in the state.

Now the TN government has an understanding with Hyundai, Nissan, TVS Motors, Mahindra, and Daimler, and also the exclusive EV companies like Ather, Ola, Amphere, and Simple Energy also signed an MoU with the TN government. It is anticipated that the emerging unit of EVs in forthcoming years may open a door for seamless opportunity for the state youths in Technology, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and other sectors.

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