August Offer of 1940 in India Study Materials


August Offer of 1940 in India Study Materials

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            The Governor-General subsequently issued a statement front Simla on 8 August 1940, that the British Government would establish a full responsible government on the dominion more Indians. Also, the responsibility of framing the constitution would be given to the Indians. This amounted to agreeing to the Congress demand for a Constituent Assembly, (b) He also declared that a War Advisory Committee with an Indian perspective would be constituted, (c) That initiatives would be taken for an agreement among the Indians in the form of the representative body after the war was over.

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        He added that the British government could not contemplate the transfer of its personal responsibilities for the peace and welfare of India to any system of government whose authority was directly denied by a large and principle element in India’s national life. Because of this condition, the offer fell short of the Congress demand of a national government. The Congress rejected the offer as the British government put the majority at the mercy of the minority. The Muslim League had another reason for rejecting the offer as the government did not provide for equal partnership to Muslims in the Centre and Provincial Government.

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