Admission Counseling For TN Arts College Begins Today!!! 

Admission Counseling For TN Arts College Begins Today
Admission Counseling For TN Arts College Begins Today

Admission Counseling For TN Arts College Begins Today: In Tamil Nadu, admission counseling for first-year undergraduate courses in Arts and Science College begins today. The admission registration in 164 Arts colleges across TN for various courses started on 08.05.2023 and ended on 22.05.2023. According to the report, over 3 lakh students registered and the Directorate of Collegiate Education released the rank list on 25.05.2023.

From today onwards, the admission counseling for special category students like Sports students, differently abled students, and others will be held, until 31.05.2023. Phase-I counseling for other category students will be held from 01.06.2023 to 10.06.2023 and phase-II counseling will be held from 12.06.2023 to 20.06.2023. The board also mentioned that the first year classes will be commencing from 22.06.2023.

Candidates who have applied for this admission can check the remaining vacant positions in their respective colleges at the end of every day on the notice board. This will be useful for the students to pre-plan their preparation for the counseling.

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