Important Events of March – 30


Important Events of March – 30



He was born on March 30, 1709.

  • He is mainly famous for his set of private diaries from the years 1736 to 1761 which portray life in 18th century India.
  • Professor of the Special School of Livino-Oriental Languages at Paris who had published the second translation (which was, obviously, incomplete) published a supposed full translation of Ananda Ranga Pillai’s diaries titled Les Français dans l’Inde.
  • Ananda Ranga Pillai was born in Madras in a well-to-do family.
  • At a very early age, Ananda Ranga Pillai emigrated with his father to Pondicherry where the family pursued their business interests. On his father’s death in 1726, Ananda Ranga was made dubash and served in his capacity till his removal on grounds of ill-health and deteriorating performance.
  • Ananda Ranga was especially known for his proximity to the French Governor Joseph François Dupleix, who favored him in various appointments.
  • Ananda Ranga Pillai’s diaries were translated in the early 20th century and bring to light life in the mid -18th century and the Anglo-French Carnatic wars.
  • His mansion in Pondicherry has been recognized as a heritage monument. C. S. Srinivasachari, a prominent Indian historian, described Ananda Ranga Pillai as the “Samuel Pepys of French India”

Ananda Ranga Pillai


He died on January 16, 1961 at the age of 51.

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