2600 Teaching Assistant Vacancies to be Filled!!! Notification Released Today!!!

2600 Teaching Assistant Vacancies to be Filled!!! Notification Released Today!!!
2600 Teaching Assistant Vacancies to be Filled!!! Notification Released Today!!!

2600 Teaching Assistant Vacancies to be Filled!!! Notification Released Today.The state of Gujarat’s administration has decided to fill 2600 teaching assistant positions. Today will see the release of the recruitment announcement, and shortly thereafter the application process will start.

JituVaghani, the Gujarati government’s minister of education, science, and technology, announced the hiring via his official twitter account. “State government’s decision to recruit 2,600 teaching assistants,” states the tweet.

Out of the total 2600 positions, 1000 teaching assistant positions for grades 1 through 5 and 1600 positions for grades 6 through 8 will be filled. 750 posts will be dedicated to math and science, 250 to other languages, and 600 to social science for the total of 1600 posts.

Additionally, the state government has opted to provide candidates who are widows with 5% more points during this hiring procedure. When the advertisement is released, candidates can examine further pertinent information.

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