Will School Reopens Be Delayed?? Get The Clarified Answer From TN Education Minister!!!

Will School Reopens Be Delayed
Will School Reopens Be Delayed

Will School Reopens Be Delayed: Due to the severe heat waves in Tamil Nadu, many questions are arising regarding the reopening of schools in TN. In a recent press meet, TN Education Minister MR. AnbilMageshPoyyamozhli has given a clarified answer to this question.

Yesterday at Saidapet Government Boys Higher Secondary School Mr.AnbilMagesh inaugurated a JEE coaching program for TN students under the “NaanMuthalvan” scheme. This initiation has been made to bring awareness and to give coaching to the students to face the JEE exams to get admission to IIT and other top institutions in India.

In that press meeting, Mr.Magesh states that the reopening of the schools will be as per the plan unless the heat wave at the reopening time is increased and the department will decide on regarding this by considering the situation at that time said, Magesh.

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