SpaceX Deferred World’s Largest Private Satellite/Jupiter-3 Launch By Tomorrow!!!

SpaceX Deferred World’s Largest Private Satellite Jupiter-3 Launch
SpaceX Deferred World’s Largest Private Satellite Jupiter-3 Launch

SpaceX Deferred World’s Largest Private Satellite/Jupiter-3 Launch By Tomorrow: Space tech giant, SpaceX is all set to launch the world’s biggest and heaviest commercial satellite ever built into space on Friday (28.07.2023) at 8.34 AM IST (UTC+5.5). Falcon Heavy rocket has been employed to launch Maxar Technologies’s largest satellite called “Jupiter-3/EchoStar XXIV”. Elon Musk’s Space X has deferred the launch which was previously set to launch on Today (27.07.2023) around 8.30 AM at 39A launch complex in Florida USA.

According to the report, this is the seventh launch for the Falcon’s triple booster rocket, the main booster will be drenched into the Atlantic Ocean and the side booster will land on the zones after 8 minutes of this launch. Jupiter 3 is the heaviest and largest commercial satellite ever launched at 9.2 metric tons built with Ultra High Density Satellite (UHDS) for Hughes Network system which provides services across North and South America. SpaceX has postponed the launch due to certain violations during the launch, many of which are anticipated due to the weather disturbance in Florida.

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