Repetition Study Materials



Repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer. There are several types of repetitions commonly used in both prose and poetry.

As a rhetorical device, it could be a word, a phrase or a full sentence or a poetical line repeated to emphasize its significance in the entire text. Repetition is not distinguished solely as a figure of speech but more as a rhetorical device.

Types of Repetition

The following examples of repetition are classified according to the different types of repetition used both in literature and in daily conversations.

  • Anadiplosis: Repetition of the last word in a line or clause.
  • Anaphora: Repetition of words at the start of clauses or verses.
  • Antistasis: Repetition of word s or phrases in opposite sense.
  • Diacope: Repetition of words broken by some other words.
  • Epanalepsis: Repetition of same words at the end and start of a sentence.
  • Epimone: Repetition of a phrase (usually a question) to stress a point.
  • Epiphora: Repetition of the same word at the end of each clause.
  • Gradatio: A construction in poetry where the last word of one clause becomes the first of the next and so on.
  • Negative-Positive Restatement: Repetition of an idea first in negative terms and then in positive terms.
  • Polyptoton: Repetition of words of the sameroot with different endings.
  • Symploce: It is a combination ofanaphora and epiphora in which repetition is both at the end and at the beginning.
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