Matrix Reasoning Study Materials


Matrix Reasoning Study Materials

In this type of questions two matrices are given. In each matrix there are 25 cells and these cells contain two classes of alphabets. The columns and rows of matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of matrix II from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row number and next by its column number. For example, ‘A’ Can be represented by 32 or 43.

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Matrix I

0 1 2 3 4
0 I A U E O
1 E U O A I
2 O A I E U
3 E U A O I
4 E I O A U

Matrix I

5 6 7 8 9
5 K R L M N
6 M R K N L
7 K N M L R
8 M L K R N
9 N R L K M


Directions: In each of the following questions find out the correct set of number pairs for the given word from the two matrices given above.

  1. MONK

            (a) 58,33,67,98                        (b) 65, 02, 59, 67

            (c) 65,04,89,75                        (d) 65, 20, 89, 68

  1. NAIL

            (a) 95, 01, 00, 77         (b) 89, 21, 33, 97

            (c) 95, 32, 14, 86         (d) 95, 21, 34, 68

  1. LANKA

            (a) 97, 43, 59, 55, 01   (b) 97, 21, 58, 87, 01

            (c) 69, 31, 76, 75, 01   (d) 78, 32, 89, 86, 12

  1. LIKE

            (a) 57, 14, 76, 10         (b) 78, 00, 67, 03

            (c) 78, 33, 87, 03         (d) 85, 00, 75, 40

  1. RULE

            (a) 95, 02, 58, 30         (b) 79, 24, 85, 98

            (b) 66, 11, 78, 41         (d) 79, 11, 86, 30

  1. KRONE

            (a) 87, 79, 03, 89, 23   (b) 75, 97, 20, 89, 23

            (c) 87, 56, 04, 76, 23   (d) 58, 88, 12, 59, 10

Answers with Explanation

For questions 1 to 6 –

A         →        01,13,21,32,43

E          →        03,10,23,30,40

I           →        00,14,22,34,41

O         →        04,12,20,33,42

U         →        02,11,24,31,44

K         →        55,67,75,87,98

L          →        57,69,78,86,97

M         →        58,65,77,85,99

N         →        59,68,76,89,95

R          →        56,66,79,88,96

  1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a)     4. (b)  5. (d) 6. (C)

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