Important Events of October – 16


Important Events of October – 16

World Food Day

World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day is celebrated widely by many other organisations concerned with food security, including the World Food Program and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

The World Food Day theme for 2014 was Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for the earth”; in 2015 it was “Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty”; in 2016 it is Climate Change: “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too”, which echoes the theme of 2008, and of 2002 and 1989 before that.

8 Reasons Why Zero Hunger Changes the World
  1. Zero hunger could save the lives of 3.1 million children a year
  2. Well-nourished mothers have healthier babies with stronger immune systems
  3. Ending child under nutrition could increase a developing country’s GDP by 16.5 percent
  4. A dollar invested in hunger prevention could return between $15 and $139 in benefits
  5. Proper nutrition early in life could mean 46 percent more in lifetime earnings
  6. Eliminating iron deficiency in a population could boost workplace productivity by 20 percent
  7. Ending nutrition-related child mortality could increase a workforce by 9.4 percent
  8. Zero hunger can help build a safer, more prosperous world for everyone.

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