Huge Vacancies in polytechnic colleges- Said Higher Education Minister!!!

Huge Vacancies in polytechnic colleges
Huge Vacancies in polytechnic colleges

Huge Vacancies in polytechnic colleges – Said Higher Education Minister: In a recent press meet, the TN higher education minister Mr. K Ponmudy announced that out of 6295 posts, there are 3384 vacancies of lecturers in TN government polytechnic colleges. It is expected that the Teachers recruitment board (TRB) will fill the vacancies by conducting the technical exam.

He also states that the admission of students in polytechnic colleges is lagging and the government has taken many steps to boost admission in the colleges by increasing the grade of the colleges. In the budget meeting, funds have been allocated to improve the polytechnic colleges said the minister.

In TRB annual planner the number of vacancies for the polytechnic colleges is mentioned as 493, but now the minister has announced over 3000 vacancies. This increment in vacancy is a piece of happy news for aspirants. According to the annual planner the board will be released the notification in May month and the tentative month of the exam is August.

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