Gupta Dynasty History Study Materials


Gupta Dynasty History Study Materials

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The Gupta Dynasty Era is often remembered as the Classical Age. Under the Gupta rulers, most of North India was reunited. The Gupta Empire extended from the Brahmaputra to the Yamuna and Chambal, from the Himalayas to the Narmada. Because of the relative peace, law and order, and extensive cultural achievements during this period, it has been described as a Golden Age that crystallised the elements of what is generally known as the Hindu culture, with all its variety, contradiction and systhesis the golden Age was confined to the north, and the classical patterns began to spread south only after the Gupta Empire had vanished from the historical scene.

The military exploits of the first three rulers—Chandragupta I (ad 320-335). Samudragupta (ad 335-376) and Chandragupta H (ad 376— 415)—brought all of the North India under their leadership. From Pataliputra their, capital, they, sought to retain political pre-eminence as much by pragmatism and judicious marriage alliances as by military strength. Despite their self-conferred titles, their overlordship was threatened and by ad 500 ultimately ruined by the Hun as (a branch of the White Huns emanating from central Asia), who were yet another group in the long succession of ethnically and culturally different outsiders drawn into India and then woven into the hybrid Indian fabric.

Gupta Administration

King— Paramadvaita, Paramabhattataka, Maharajadhiraj, Samrat; Chakravartin

Chief Minister—Sachiva, Mantri

King’s Advisor

Military Officers:


Commander—Elephant corps—Katuka

Chief Treasury War Office—Ranabhandagaradhikorana

Foreign Minister—Sandhivigrahika of Mahasandhivigrahika Superintendent of Central and Provincial Offices—Saravadhyakshas

Commercial Royal Officers— Dutaka (dutas)

Chief of Police—Dandapasadhi karana

Other Police Officers—Chauroddhoraniko (for thieves),

Chatas, Bhatas, Dandaparika, etc.

Provincial Administration Officers— Kumaramatyas and Ayukfas Governor of Province — Uparikas, who governed Bhukh’s (provinces)

Other Officers of Province—Bhogika Gcpta, Rojasthanicrs, Upanka-maharaja .

Districts of Province and its Mead Officer—Vishayas headed by VishayapaHs

Headquarter of District—Adhishthana District Magistrate—Samvyavahari and Ayuktokas Village Elders—Moharatranas

Chief of Police – Dandopasadh i karana Other Police Officers— Chauroddharanika (for thieves), Chatas, Bhatos, Dandaparika etc.

Provincial Administration Officers — Kumaramatyas and Ayuktas Governor of Province — Upankas, who governed Bhukti’s (provinces)

Other Officers of Province—Bhogika. Gopta, Rajasthanias, Upanko-maharaja

Districts of Province and its Head Officer—Vishayas headed by Vishayapatis

Headquarter of District—Adhishthana

District Magistrate—Samvyovahori and Ayuhakas Village Elders—Maharattanas

Office In-charge of Families Asthakuladhi-hKaranikas in local area (minimum eight families)

Village Headman—Gramikot

Tax Collectors—Utkhetayita

forest and Forts In-charge— Gramika

Brahmin Settlements In-charge—Agriaharika

Land Revenue Head Officer— Dharuvadhikaranika


Village Accountant— Talavataka

Record Keeper and Notary Authority— Pustapata

Customs and Toll Collector— Saulvika

The Advisory District Council mainly constituted of four members

Chief, the Guild President — Nagarasreshthi

The Head Merchant— Sarthavaha

The Head Artisan — Prathamakulika

The Head Scribe—Prathamakayastha

Mayor of the City— Purapala

Important Officers of the Royal Courts — Parthiharas and Mahaparthiharas

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