Is your Password Secured from Hackers? Make sure it is!!! Google Chrome Password Checker Details Here!!

Is your Password Secured from Hackers
Is your Password Secured from Hackers

Make sure your password is secured from Hackers!!! – Here’s how to find out via Google Chrome Password Checker. Are you concerned about the security of your online accounts? Have you ever wondered how to detect whether your password or passwords have been stolen, or how to keep a secure password? The bulk of people have no idea that their Google, Facebook, Twitter, or other credentials have been hacked. There is a serious problem. In truth, the most critical safety for your data is a password. We understand your worry about your password being public.

Don’t worry, however! On Google, you’ll discover a solution. Google’s Chrome browser now includes an extra layer of security to protect your data and inform you if your passwords for various social media accounts have been compromised. It’s known as the Google Chrome Password Checker. This Chrome extension has the advantage of informing you about the status of all of your stored and synced passwords.

The built-in Chrome Password tool can aid in the event of a data breach because it works with all saved and synced passwords. The tool not only examines all saved passwords for potential leaks, but also notifies the user about the password’s strength.

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How to use Chrome to check if your passwords have been hacked

  • First requirement to use the Password Checker feature is to update your Chrome Browser. Your web browser needs to be updated to Chrome 96 or newer version.
  • Then open Google Chrome browser and click on ‘Settings’ from the three-dots option at the top right corner of your browser screen
  • Click on ‘Autofill’ and then choose ‘Passwords’
  • Following that, click on Checked Passwords
  • It will automatically scan all the saved passwords in the history and categories them on the basis of compromised or weak passwords. If your password is compromised, it will advise you to change it as soon as possible.

How to keep your password strong?

  • A recent study by NordPass revealed that the list of most common passwords in India includes, ‘password’, ‘12345’, ‘123456’, ‘123456789’, ‘12345678’, ‘1234567890’, ‘1234567’, ‘qwerty’ and ‘abc123’. The reports says that all these passwords can be cracked within a second! Yes you read it right, within a second! So how to ensure that your password is strong. Here are the tips:
  • Make a unique password: Use different passwords for all your accounts, such as Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, online bankings and more. Reusing passwords can be risky.
  • Longer and memorable: A password with at least 12 characters is safer than your shorter and easy to crack passwords. It can be any lyric of the song, your favorite series of words which have meaning to you, or a phrase from the book can be a good choice. Adding numbers and certain characters like hashtag (#) to such long passwords makes it even stronger.

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