Allahabad Address (1930) Study Material


Allahabad Address (1930) Study Material

Allahabad Address

            Several Muslim leaders and thinkers having insight into the Muslim-Hindu situation proposed the separation of Muslim India. However. Allama Muhammad Iqbal gave the most lucid explanation of the inner feelings of the Muslim community in his presidential address to the All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was nf poet, philosopher and thinker who had gained countrywide fame and recognition by 1930. Political events had taken an ominous turn. The Muslim League Leaders were frustrated because they were edged out by the Congress, in their opposition of the Nehru Report. On the other hand, the British government in India had totally Ignored their demands in the Simon Commission report.

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As a permanent solution to the Muslim-Hindu problem, Iqbal proposed that Punjab. North-West Frontier Province. Baluchistan and Sindh should be converted into one province. He declared that the north-western part of the country was destined to unite as a self-governed unit, within the British Empire or without it. This, he suggested, was the only way to do away with communal riots and bring peace in India.

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